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A cry from the heart: To womanhood

Writer's picture: NathalieNathalie

To all you beautiful ladies

God loves you from the very beginning

Long before you came into being.

Imagine your parents so happy to announce

That they’re having a baby, can you imagine their excitement?

Did it ever occur to you that by you, your parents love for each other deepened?

The most anticipated day came

Your Mom dealt a lot on this day, she endured her labor pains for you.

A beautiful bouncing baby girl.

Oh how I imagine you melted the hearts of your Parents.

Your cry, breath, the way you move mattered with them so much.

It’s as if it’s their first time to see all of those, they couldn’t take their gaze off of you

I can only think of the fear that crept in their minds the reality of another life they co-created with God.

Maybe they feared on how to raise you, but they started so to the best they know how.

If they can only record your milestones, they could have.

Your first step, oh how they applaud

Their eagerness to hear you speak

They all longed for that

You are a very precious flower they tended

How do you see yourself now?

Do you still see yourself in such a manner?


Did you listen to the lies of the many voices telling you, you were not enough?

Did you listen to them when they told you, you were picky, so you settled in for less?

Did someone told you to do things you’re not comfortable of doing and you believed them that its okay because everybody’s doing it?

I did for quite sometime.

Did it make me happy? Yes, partially, it was happy+anxiety=it exhausted me

My life was awful when I believed in those lies.

I’m here to tell you, you are not your past mistakes, not what they tell you who you are.

You are the same precious child your parents dreamt about.

And if you have had bad relations with your parents,

We have our God who longs for us to call Him Dad.

You are indeed a PRINCESS and we all are ROYALS

We have an ETERNAL BANQUET to share for all ETERNITY.


That’s who we all are,

Regardless of our failings, circumstances and our poor choices in life,

NONE of those will lessen the Love God has for us.

He gave His life on the CROSS for you.

What then He cannot do, to prove His love for you?

He meets us right where we are, in all our filth- we are deeply loved.

I don’t know on what or when in your life’s circumstances you opted to lessen the jewel of your crown

The reason behind, may it be for a man, or whatever that occurrence was

Most probably it’s the thirst that we have and that’s LOVE and belonging

We all are looking for that and I am of no difference .

In me believing those lies

I forgot the universal truth, that what I was looking for is already in me and was freely given to me.

I am deeply loved by Jesus and in Him its where I really belong

“You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” -St. Augustine of Hippo

In Him I found my identity: That I am the beloved

It is through Jesus that we all are redeemed.

And so, when people tend to pull you down and make you less of a person you are

Look at Jesus crucified

He died on the cross even though we are still sinners

Some people will tell us lies (everything that makes us less of the person that we are)

But our GOD tells us otherwise.

I am a voice that is reordering your thought: YOU MATTER!



We all are ROYALS and may we act like one.

Please never allow anyone to remove the Jewel from your crown.

If anyone says they love you yet makes you less of the person you are

Then that’s not love.

LOVE is not a feeling, not an emotion

Love is a gift, its grace.

Love always WILLS the good of the other as the other.

If it does not bring good and your dignity is compromised,

Please, don’t risk losing your soul for a temporary gain.

Most of the woman that I’m seeing, walking with

Chooses to be in a relationship that demeans their integrity.

Looking for love the wrong way, always in search for a man

This my heart aches

Most of the women trying to fill the void (the thirst for love) by finding a man

But not even giving my GOD-MAN JESUS a chance.

Jesus who is GOD chose to become like us humans for our sake.

He goes even farther that that by dying on the cross for us.

And yet, I, we, most of us does not give Him a chance.

At times I often wonder why

It’s easier to trust people than GOD.

Why is it so hard to trust Jesus who loves us purely, wholly, solely

Jesus who wants only our good.

But is easier to believe to a man: a man who will do in his every might the fake stories that he tells to who knows how many girls already and was always successful to gain you, use and manipulate you.

STOP looking for a man

Redirect your gaze to our GOD-MAN

He will free you from guilt, shame and fear.

He will give you a new life.

Living life freely with joy, calm and peace.

In Jesus, life is worth living.

He freed me from the pressure of my generation

And now I am living a life, that I never thought that was existing.

Never place your lives under a man’s propositions.

Live your life under Gods LOVE.

God is nearer than we think.

He knows us more than we know ourselves.

Be intimate with Him, as He is intimate with you.

Life in Jesus does not mean FREE of suffering.

Life with Jesus means that what I'm going through no matter how hard it might seem is all for my good.

That all of me is being well taken cared of with my Creator who loves me the most.

That He will fulfill the desires He planted in my heart in His most perfect time.

That in Him, I am never alone.

All else will fail, the world will pass but not my JESUS.

Abide in Him and He will show you who you really are.

You are worth more than the world.

Loving you sincerely,



P.S.: photo not mine

If it brought you good fruit, please share as it may potentially (hopefully) bring good fruit to some. If not please kindly send me an email correcting my fault, please let us walk hand in hand in this narrow road ahead of us.

May Christ the King, my King, reign in everyone's heart!

-Shalom ❤️



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