I saw one profile on instagram where her first post was her bio. I felt ashamed that I started doing blog (morethan a month now) and not introduce myself, my bad. So I thought, I’d make me known briefly.
You might be wondering (may be not) who is this Nathalietalithakoum? Who is this that have all the guts to post to every religious facebook page she knows.
I’m Nathalie, 27, Filipina, born and raised in my homeland with my Catholic parents, so I grew up in a very Catholic family, my parents both were practicing Catholics as far as my memory recalls.
My grandparents were serving our Parish together with my Parents. My Grandfather who is now resting in the Kingdom of our Eternal Father was an ex-seminarian, I have two Uncle Priests and one Aunt Nun, my family as you now can imagine are religious, but not perfect.
Went to Catholic School, grew up listening to Gospel music, Mama she plays that a lot. Been to vigils since I was young, I’ve been a practicing Catholic until the age of 19, then college life came. I went zigzag and I did not practice the faith but still a regular Church goer but I was not taking the Eucharist and it was for quite a long time, 4years.
Then, our good Lord pulled me again in His arms. This pulling back was really hard: in here, I’ve come to know Him deeper and by His grace, little by little, I am what I am by His grace. (1 Corinthians 15:10)
I had fallen short but our good Lord did not mind the mess, He wants solely me, the wholeness of me. And I’ve never felt such love that overwhelmed me.
Now, I love Jesus deeply, and He has been very patient in teaching me.
His love I struggled with coz I know not how to handle, twas hard because He is literally so huge, there were moments when I cry when I’m praying telling Him to please slow down with graces because I cannot take it any longer, but again, the good Lord said, how can you limit Me, Am Who is limitless, instead of limiting ask for the grace to expand your heart.
I felt ashamed, so I begged for pardon for limiting Him, and He is so understanding and amidst my shortcomings still graces me.
He keeps on guiding me, now I found an outlet thru writing, Gods vessel was my friend Cherry Mae, for me to share with all of you the gifts God has been given me.
So here I am, exposing my vulnerability, not minding my shame and allowed Him to maneuver me.
I honestly don’t feel fitting of the call, I don’t usually express myself this much, but then again its not about me but HIM and all for His glory.
I hope that this will be fruitful for you and if not please, help my soul and let me know if Im doing heresy.
I am begging Jesus everyday that if what I’m doing will lead people astray that He take it away from me, so I will always point you to Him- the giver of all.
To the most Holy Trinity, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, be Honor and Praise be given to You now and forever Amen!