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Jesus is love and mercy itself: our sin is but a drop in the ocean of His mercy

Writer's picture: NathalieNathalie

Just last year was I able to know the story of the divine mercy, in the Philippines there's a TV network who have a devotion to the 3 o'clock prayer, I know the prayer but I don't have the slightest idea on the significance of it.

I don't anymore believe in coincidence, may be two or three years ago I was at Abu Dhabi airport and I came across two old Filipino couple, we chatted for awhile, my name and theirs, work, place to live, was I a tourist things like that and when they knew that I am living here at that their supposed to meet their niece whose also working here in the UAE they took the opportunity to use my phone to contact them for they are just on connecting flight from Italy, so I agreed, I had the privilege to meet their family and they gifted me a Rosary blessed from Rome and an image of the divine mercy.

Last year, on the feast of divine mercy our Parish handed out the image and I took one, and since then I venerated the image, but still not having devotion to it. Until Beth Davis as she's live doing #TeachableTuesday at Blessed is she mentioned a quote from the book that she's reading and my heart was stirred, I have to have that book.

It was the first time I heard the name of St. Faustina and also my first purchase of a religious book the Diary: Divine Mercy in my Soul there's also a pdf format if you want, I highly recommend reading it. There was a time where, almost all the content in the Diary I shared on my social media accounts, this has helped me spiritually a whole lot.

I must say that I am what I am now by grace but also by the help of this book, I have come to know Jesus more, His love and I just want to share it to the world. The fruits has been very good:

  • Just by reading a few pages I was graced to have love for souls.

  • THAT JESUS LOVES US SO MUCH: especially when Jesus said to St. Faustina, that He is hurting more on the distrust of souls, He said "if they don't believe in my words, then at least believe in My wounds" trust me this put me to tears, that is my God, who is not forcing Himself but just waits to be loved back.

  • I have this devotion to divine mercy prayer, I alarm my phone everyday at 3.oopm, please also do, its just one minute, Jesus said that, that very image is Him at 3.00pm above the earth He is showering us his love and mercy.

  • The divine mercy chaplet (it will only take you about 10 mins) Jesus said that it should be prayed on the dying, so please if you are working in a hospice center, in the hospital please say this prayer or spread to your friends whom you know can pray the chaplet.

  • Jesus said that this is the last hope for sinners.

  • There are really a lot, the core is that HE is LOVE and MERCY itself, He says it to St. Faustina over and over again, imagine the ocean its vast Jesus tells that our sin is just a drop in that ocean of mercy no matter how grave we think our sins are, no matter how may times we sin, we can always go back endlessly in His love and mercy.

  • This book has helped me to become more intimate with Him, that I am His beloved. Sometimes I wish I was St. Faustina, how Jesus assured her, by reading this book, you will see how tender, loving, understanding Jesus is, He is so sweet.

  • St. Faustina was frequently attacked by the enemies but she does this that I am adopting now: 1. She does sign of the cross 2. She states that She is the Beloved, I have found this very effective.

  • The reality of hell, that its true, that I should not be assured of my Spiritual state that I should run into Jesus as frequently as I should, for the enemy will do its best to take me away from Jesus.

  • I'm not saying that its okay to sin, NO. But Jesus said that its part of our human weaknesses that we will always sin, we will always fall short, that's why we need Him, we need a Savior because we cannot do it alone.

  • By reading this, Its imprinted in my heart that all came from Him, all that is good is from Him, there was a part where Jesus said to St.Faustina give me what is yours, she said Jesus I give you my heart, soul, body, mind, etc but Jesus said, my daughter that all came from me, give me what is solely yours, Jesus said, give me your misery, and I was mind blown, Jesus whats even my misery, NO ONE in this world would love to partake in my misery but Him, He wants to take it away from me. How can I not love back my King?

  • Reading this plunged me into the abyss of His mercy, and this has been very huge help, but Jesus tells St. Faustina, my daughter you are writing just a drop of what my mercy is, but for me reading it is already a vast!

  • From here I loved the sacrament of reconciliation its in here I really come to know not by reading but experiencing what mercy really is.

  • I also converse now with Jesus as I am conversing with a friend, that's how Jesus wants it, plain and simple, He said I know how to be human so tell me on your level of understanding, tell me everything that you feel, and that He is delighted in that, that is our GOD!

  • JESUS is so personal, He wants intimacy, where can we find a God as such! Never distant, always self giving,

I am imparting you this because this is the God that I know, the God that I want you to know! He is never far, He is just within us, infact He thirsts to dwell in us, He is so reachable, this God loves us so much that He makes Himself readily available for us, a God who though God does not force Himself to me, waits for me, never gives up on me. If this is hard to see, look at His passion He left nothing for Himself, stripped naked on the cross and yet forgives, gives and still love, laid in the tomb given to Him by a jew.

I am in pain that even after His passion and resurrection, I am not really thankful, by reading this book, I saw how ungrateful I was and still am and the world. I am almost weeping as I'm typing this because I love Him so much, and what frustrates me more is that no matter how I say I love Him, I cannot love Him the way He loves me.

So in return I am willing to empty my shame and my life for Him, who has given it all to me, and be a witness though still needs a lot of refining, I am not perfect, I always fall short, I will not force you, but please be intimate with Him, I will point you to Him for He has done great things for me and He will for you too. Just be receptive and really get time to know Him, for I attest this, if you've come to encounter Him, there's no other way but to love Him.

I hope you take time to read and may the fruits be fruitful for you as well. My words will never be enough and will never justify the graces it has showered me, so please take time to read it, I shared you a pdf link if you are not able to buy the book then you can just google it.

May this be your devotion as well and the divine mercy chaplet be your charity for the Holy souls in purgatory and in our brothers and sisters in Christ who are dying.

I wish for us to dive and drown into the abyss of Gods love and mercy for us all. You are deeply loved, known and necessary.

Happy Feast of Divine Mercy.


If it brought you good fruit, please share as it may potentially (hopefully) bring good fruit to some. If not please kindly send me an email correcting my fault, please let us walk hand in hand in this narrow road ahead of us.

May Christ the King, my King, reign in everyone's hearts!


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