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My Lenten Journey

Writer's picture: NathalieNathalie

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

Because I thought, I was so focused on writing, picking topics because there are a lot and I felt like, I’ve been busying myself with it much, so I thought, this I will give up for lent, social media and stick with messenger and other messaging apps. 

But yesterday, I was not at peace, I was uneasy, I felt like, I need to at-least share with you my resources this lent and this quote by Mother Angelica keeps on coming in my mind “I’m scared to death of dying and having the Lord said to me, Angelica this is what you might have done”. trust me, it troubled me a lot. 

So I took it to prayer, and perceived things like, “if there's, one person, who will come along your blog and will try to use your resources in bringing them closer to Him, that would bring at least consolation to Jesus in His agony, so I took this risk, for one, yes, even just one.

And I perceived again to share with you my lenten journey. Because, Jesus is meant to be shared. So I’ll share with you my prayer life this lent and may it bring good fruit, if you have other resources, please let me know so we can share.  I’d like to spend my life sharing Jesus to the world, so if He will ask me, how did you use your mouth? I’ll be able to say like St. Faustina, my lips proclaimed You. 

Lent is not just about the ash on ash Wednesday it's giving up the things that pulls as away from God, our goal is to be more closer with Him, and may He grace us more of Him and less of us, plus one, I hope there's a soul, even one single soul who will journey with me.

The funny things is when we respond to His love its not for Him, but for ourselves and for others. Wondering how? Come and see. ❤️

So I’ll start:

These are the things I added on my prayer this lent:

  1. The Way of the Cross, I started this before lent but was not faithful to it, as it is very painful to me. So, I promised that, I’ll do this everyday this lent.

How to pray the Station of The Cross:

  • Per Station start with : We Adore Thee O Christ and we praise Thee, Because by Thy Holy Cross Thou has redeemed the world. Reflect on every Station

  • Then end with 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory Be

  • Here I found on google a very good meditation on the way of the cross that has been of very good help for me.

2. I'm reading the Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the Vision of the Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, it’s a 199 page, I know for some sounds a lot but divide the pages for 40 days, 199 divide by 40days it will be about 5 pages a day, and besides minus the introduction and all, the first 30 pages is the introduction of the life of Blessed Anne, sorry but I skipped it, I’ll read it after lent, if God permits, so you’ll have probably like 4 pages atleast a day, you can do it on your own pace. 15mins of reading is not that hard right? 15mins for reading 4 pages is a bit long don't you think?

3 . I subscribed at, its FREE online retreat, per week there is atleast 3-5 videos about 20-30mins long, for the 1st week of lent for example they have 3 talks, its just short. Movies takes way longer rignt? 7days a week, so for this week example Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays that's your time for retreat, pick anytime you want at your own pace.

4. 30mins to 1hour in the Scripture. As for me, I'm rereading the Gospel, currently I'm with St. Luke. Again, as time permits you, if you have an idle time, open your Bible. There is an app Catholic Bible again its free you can download it. 

5. Daily email devotionals from Blessed is she and I purchased their to the end lenten journal and reflections of Bishop Barron from word on fire.

6. Fast during Wednesdays and Fridays, I will not go into details of mine, I'll keep it between me and Jesus.

7. Continue my daily prayers.

8. Penance and Charity not limited to giving alms, but more on being generous of self.

9. Confession, examination of conscience that I heard from ask Father Josh podcast has been very useful to me and I shared with my family.

Lent is our response to the sacrificial love of Jesus,

if things gets tough, may we ask Gods grace to fix our gaze on His cross. Hope it will bring good fruit to all of you.

If it did gave you good fruit, please share as it may also (hopefully) be a good fruit to some as well and be a vessel on bringing back souls to Jesus.

-Shalom ❤️

P.S. Photos not mine



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