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The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation

Writer's picture: NathalieNathalie

Updated: Apr 24, 2019

To the Father

That He is ever faithful,the long wait has finally come to an end, little did the Israelites know that the Messiah is the Son of God, they were expecting then a prophet, but God says I have greater plans for you, I love you so much that I’m giving you My Son, my one and only Son.

This was brought to light by God thru prayer and the circumstances He puts me through. That His ways are beyond my ways, that He is God who is limitless and me a very limited creature.

I, most of the times complain of my circumstances, always asking Him why is this? Why like this? Never was it, what is it? What do You want from this? I’ve forgotten that I am His created one, therefore no need to ask the “whys”.

Whenever how complicated our situations are, no matter how difficult, how impossible it seems, ‘twas graced to me, that the more difficult the situation is, the greater the grace will be, almost always the Father is reminding me that. may we remember the greatest gift God has given to all, His promise since the fall of Adam and Eve to redeem us, the key for us to His Kingdom, His only son becoming man, and though it took long, its because it’s the BEST.

To Jesus

Oh my sweet, sweet Jesus! The humility of you, makes me kneel and wants to shout how good and loving You are.

You don’t mind at all becoming Man, so You brought heaven down. It’s like man becoming animals, I cannot Imagine me becoming one, but You who is God willingly, lovingly obeyed the Father agreeing to be Man. From God who is limitless in all its aspect soon to experience the very limited man. Thank you is never enough for being a God-made-Man.

From the moment of the annunciation to the very end, You never thought of Yourself, You’re always giving, always emptying. It was made known to me in prayer that is so, because You don’t need to prove to anyone, no need to boast because You, are God!

To My Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary

The love that I have for Jesus brought me to Her. I was struggling to know more about Her, though I know that She’s the Mother of Jesus, I was not having this connection with her.

One time, while I was meditating on the annunciation, it was made known to me Her “fiat”, the core of it. Can you imagine how nervous God and the angels and maybe even Jesus when Angel Gabriel came to Her?, full of anticipation and how they rejoiced with Her yes? Can you imagine how the heavens celebrated it? She has her free will, She could have said no, but she said Yes!

And that changed the history of human kind, it’s the Blessed Virgin Marys yes that turned the word into flesh! Of course willed by the Father, but the Blessed Virgin could have said no, but She said yes, submitting Herself to her creator whatever He pleases to do with Her.

"From now on all generations will call me blessed" (Luke 1:48), indeed, espoused to the Holy Spirit, :in her womb the Son of God lived, She’s the Mother of Christ, she is the Mother of the Son of the Father—God creator of all. She is greatly favored, how great her faith must have been.

When it occurred to me, I cried a lot, for I am so unworthy of the grace, there’s none that I ever did in my life to deserve it, and yet God willed it for me anyway, see how good a Father He is, so generous.

It makes me ponder of Her faith to the Father, to fully submit herself at 14, engaged to St. Joseph, fully aware of the consequences, not minding her status, judgment from people, she’ll be stoned to death, what’s important to Her, is following Her God, blindly submitting herself not knowing what it holds. All She knows, is that it’s the Fathers command that She ought to fulfill.

There’s this wisdom that has been taught me by The Holy Spirit. God the Father, creator of heaven and earth, visible and invisible fully entrusted His long promise to a 14 year old, the Blessed Virgin Mary, you see, The Father is so confident to entrust His only Son, the God of all, TRUSTS her that much, then, who am I?, a sinner not do the same? Since this was made known to me, I made a pact with the Blessed Mary, my Queen to adopt me, literally, this grace marks the personal relationship I have with my Mother, I call her Ma, on my future blogs, if you encounter “Ma”, that’s Her not my biological Mother, don’t get me wrong, I love my parents a lot, that even them I also entrusted to Her, and She’s taking care of them pretty well, by doing so, I am at peace that they are in good hands, that whatever happens to them, it will always be for their good.

So, how did she help on my relationship with Jesus you might ask, She’s my elevator to Him, the irony is that when I entrusted myself to Her, She pointed me to Her Son, not to Herself. St. Maximilian Kolbe said, "Never be afraid of loving Mary too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.


The Annunciation is the emptying of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to fulfill the Fathers promise to His people Israel. From the very beginning, Mother Mary and Jesus teaches us that in order to be able to do Gods will, one must deny oneself, not that God is taking something away from us, no, not that. But that in itself, is grace.

That is allowing the Father who is ever perfect to reveal what He has in-store for us, this is very critical, but let us remember what the prophet Isaiah said, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord, “As the heavens are higher- than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).

“And whoever has humbled himself, shall be exalted” (Matthew 23:12), the irony of self-denial is that one gain so much. All it took them was to say “YES” and gained the salvation of all. May we too, say yes to His call and take our part in fulfilling His perfect ways on this side of heaven.

P.S. photo not mine

If it brought you good fruit, please share as it may potentially (hopefully) bring good fruit to some. If not please kindly send me an email correcting my fault, please let us walk hand in hand in this narrow road ahead of us.

May Christ the King, my King, reign in everyones hearts!




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